Terrorist organizations exploit industrial zones for attacks against IDF forces

Terrorist organizations exploit industrial zones for attacks against IDF forces

    The joint Palestinian and Israeli industrial zones are a preferred target for the terrorist organizations' attacks.

    (Communicated by the IDF Spokesman)

    The joint Palestinian and Israeli industrial zones are a preferred target for the terrorist organizations' attacks. The terrorist organizations take advantage of the convenience of terrorists reaching those areas, ignoring the huge damage they cause to their people.

    The Erez industrial zone and terminal:

    The Erez industrial zone was established 30 years ago. Today more than 200 factories, half of them owned by Palestinians, operate in the industrial zone.

    More than 4,500 workers work in the Erez industrial zone, with average wage of 90 NIS a work day comparing to an average wage of 50 NIS inside the Gaza Strip.

    During the current conflict, several attacks occurred inside the Erez industrial zone, including dozens of shooting attacks, hand grenades attack, explosive devices attacks and rockets of different types. In addition to these attacks which most of them resulted with no injuries, several main attacks took place at the industrial zone:

    - On February 26, 2004, an IDF soldier on reserve duty was killed by two Palestinian gunmen which infiltrated the industrial zone.

    - On January 14, 2004, a female terrorist, sent by the Hamas terrorist organization blew herself up at the Erez industrial zone, murdering an Israeli civilian, a Border Policeman and two IDF soldiers.

    - On December 4, 1003 a package consisting of components for making an explosive device was discovered in a truck carrying mail out from the Gaza Strip.

    - On June 20, 2003, a terrorist attack using a bicycle laden with explosives was thwarted at the Palestinians workers' crossing near Ganei Tal.

    - On June 8, 2003, four IDF soldiers were killed and four others injured when three terrorists infiltrated the IDF post Magen 12, in the Erez industrial zone.

    - On April 15, 2003, two Israeli civilians were murdered when Palestinians infiltrated the Karni terminal.

    - On February 21, 2003 a gunman armed with a Kalashnikov assault rifle, three hand grenades, four magazines, a knife and a cutter for cutting fences infiltrated the Erez industrial zone and was killed.

    - On May 12, 2002, an Israeli civilian was murdered when a Palestinian worker opened fire at him at the Hila crossing.

    - On April 20, 2002, a Border Police officer was killed when a Palestinian gunman opened fire at an IDF post in Erez.

    - On April 12, 2002, a Border Police officer was killed when a Palestinian gunman opened fire at the Erez terminal.

    - On November 26, 2001, four IDF soldiers were lightly injured when a suicide bomber blew him self up at the entrance of the Erez terminal.

    A total of four Israeli civilians and ten security forces personnel have been killed and eight soldiers injured.